New Directions: Churfirsten mit Kambah

I am dependent on others for my visual references of Switzerland. I have calendars, books and the internet for my perception of it and so my experience comes second-hand through the eyes of others. So this is a prototype of my next series to do with this second-hand view of Swiss scenes borrowed from the library of others. Overlaying images of Swiss mountain scenes printed onto canvas I am painting scenes in oils of scenes I HAVE experienced; Australian scenes of mountains using colours synonymous with Australia: yellow and red ochres, gum-leaf greys and deep violet shadows from the raw, hot Australian sun.Read More →

Again, I wasn’t quite happy with this one. Straddling two stepping stones in the middle of the creek, I had 20 minutes to do this one so of course I again dived right in without planning. Luckily the composition came out ok but the colours are over the top. So hard to capture the combination of greens with the deep shadows of purply red. Apparently the human eye can discern more shades of green than other colours. Aside from that fact it is no wonder Arthur Streeton didn’t like far North Queensland. If you study his paintings, even the ones based in Sydney, the foliage is prettyRead More →

Yesterday it was a sunny day so I went down to the local creek which I had previously spotted for a potential en plain air sketch. It was pretty hard going sitting on the edge of the creek culvert with myself, my iPad or my pen threatening to slide off into the rocky creek below. But the little baby waterdragons shuttling past my feet were the cutest and made up for the discomfort, even with all my struggles of capturing the image. After an hour I wasn’t really happy with what I was producing as per above. Instead of going from shadows to highlights I dived inRead More →